Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pawnee Soup Book Infomercial

This is a video I created for an Adobe course I took. This is an example of how teachers and students can use digital technology to create resources for our Native languages. These resources can help to create excitement and be used to support learners in the difficult (but worth it) task of learning a Native language.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pawnee Language

Here is a website I made when I worked for the Pawnee Nation Language Department.

Sauk Language Lessons

Here is a link to the workbook I did for Sauk language. It was fun to produce!

Here is a link to the whole site for Sauk language.

Osage Cultural Videos

Ha we to Osage language and cultural students here is a link to some cultural videos I did for the Osage Nation. I tried to make them very easy to follow.

Cherokee Lessons

This is a link to the Blog where my Cherokee Lessons are posted "Speak your Native Language"